Nathan woke up to a door framed with BALLOONS! I got a bag of balloons, I *think* at the dollar store, and it had all different sizes and colors… it even had one of those looooong balloons, that the kids both LOVED. Nathan chased Autumn around with it, claiming it was his sword balloon.

Nathan really lucked on on his birthday, because they went to the Missouri Botanical Gardens for a field trip! Unfortunately, I didn’t get to go, but here are a couple photos from a Mom that did go. Its always kind of neat to see what trouble (or not) your kid is up to when they aren’t around you! Ha!

He even potted a plant on the field trip. Lets hope it grows. Wonder if it’ll be a veggie or a flower or who knows?

I am sort of a mean Mommy, but I am not letting Nathan have his birthday gifts until his party on Sunday. I did give him a few small gifts, such as the Skippy Jon Jones book (which we read tonight), Star Wars figures… and, I painted a froggy piggy bank for him at The Painted Zebra for his special coins. Nathan is really into counting money, or just collecting it. I also have to say, is it just me or is Nathan looking more grown up in the face lately? Its something I have just noticed recently, but I see it in this photo… Sigh. I still can’t believe he’s going to be a 1st grader soon!

And, of course, we have to include a photo of Autumn!