I’m back today with my October Currently post. I always enjoy updating y’all on my life happenings.
ALMOST DONE with Invisalign!
On October 30th, I have an appointment to get my buttons off and I’ll be done with Invisalign! Unfortunately, I think I still need to wear the trays (without the buttons) for 6 months after I’m finished, because the teeth want to shift back the most in the first 6 months. Then, I’ll move to a nightly retainer! I am so, so excited! I plan to do an update post in the next few weeks.
Shutterfly Mentions
Shutterfly has been kind enough to feature my blog twice lately! You’ll see my Summer porch featured in their ‘32 Fresh Front Porch Ideas and Photos for Every Season‘.
And, they featured these adorable Jack o’ Lanterns I displayed on my patio last fall in their ‘95 Cozy Fall Decorating Ideas‘ post.
Commercial Silk
Commercial Silk has recently launched a new website called Commercial Palm Trees. They sell a variety of palm trees, including areca, curved coconut, bamboo, banana and more. They even offer custom made palm trees. I have several of Commercial Silk products in my home (such as this gorgeous potted silk ivy plant-in the photo above) and the quality is flawless, so I have no doubt that their Commercial Palm Trees are just as lovely!
These palm trees can set the perfect mood for your outdoor area or you can start dreaming about next summer and how you can decorate your pool area with these silk pam trees.
This month I read one book.

StriVectin has been great about sending me their new products to review and I’m always pleased with what they send me! Recently, the sent me their HYALURONIC Dual-Response Serum. It has two chambers that fuse together in one silky lightweight serum formula to help plump up your skin with moisture and it also helps to smooth lines. This is going to be great to use as we run our heat in the house more and more as temps cool down, so that my skin can stay moisturized and renewed!
Half Marathon #12

This weekend is Half Marathon #12 for me! I actually had to look back in my running notes to see which half marathon it will be, I have ran so many! The weather is looking a little dicey for my race day, though. Somehow, I’ve never had a half marathon (or my marathon) in poor weather, such as rain. But, there is a chance of rain! I really don’t like to run in rain, because I don’t like running on wet pavement… but, I may have to plan to bring some wet gear along. The photo above is from half marathon #11.

Lauren from Mom Home Guide is also sharing her Currently post today!