I would like to thank all of our soldiers that devoted their lives in protecting us so that we can live in freedom.
Memorial Day was pretty busy yet low key this year. I picked the kids up from their Dad’s house at 7:30am today and we headed over to Krispy Kremes. After both kids had downed 2 doughnuts each, we headed over to Watson Trails Park. This was MY park as a child, and I haven’t gotten the kids over there since when Autumn was in a pumpkin seat.
First I let the kids play on the playgrounds (there is two, well, actually there are THREE playgrounds, the third one is a little off the beaten path, though). Then we walked a bunch of trails, which I might add… the trails are NOT as grand as they were when I was a child. We could see homes, buildings, etc. at almost every time during our hike, but when I was little and in girlscouts it was quite easy to get lost on the trails and you were always in the thick of the woods. I was hoping to find an old Gazebo and wishing well, but they were gone, too! Boo! We still had a grand time, though!
After Watson Trails Park, we went home for a bit and rested. Then, we started BBQ’ing. Brian did the MEAT and I did the SIDES and well, dessert. It was pretty swell. He BBQ’ed fancy burgers (by fancy, I mean he did some fun stuff with the meat) with normal toppings on it for Nathan and with DOOLEY’S SCOOPABLE CHEDDAR CHEESE with a touch of BBQ sauce for us. Autumn had a Nathan’s hot dog (yes, there is such a thing as NATHAN’S hot dogs!).
I made corn on the cob, big slices of watermelon, cherries, uhh. Oh, bruschetta for the grown ups! And, I made a mixed berry pie that was splendid!
Oh, and I made these for the kids. Just mini icecream sandwich with red, white and blue sprinkles.

Then, we hit the POOL for the first time at Brian’s complex. Of course, little cutiepants fell asleep on the drive over to the pool. She woke up quickly, though!
Nathan is really starting to learn how to float and swim in the water. He was swimming in the 8′ section without any floatation assistance whatsoever! SO glad I decided to bipass swim classes this year, and just get to the pool more instead!

After swimming, the kids were starving, so of course, there was more of this.