Look at this photo. Is Autumn REALLY getting THIS big? Really. I look at photos of her from last year, she looks like a baby still. Now… THIS. Oh, gosh, I know she’s my daughter but she is SO cute! Especially in piggies!

This is Nathan’s second year of t-ball. He is on the purple Rockies team, again. Nathan is always on the Barney purple team! He is really starting to get to know some of the boys on the team, since most of them were on the team last year. It is neat to watch their friendships blossom. Here is Nathan at the beginning of the game. Brian has been working with Nathan on catching, hitting, throwing and base running. A few hours of practice a few times a week at home really shows at practices and the games! So proud of my boy!

And here is a picture of me and my favorite BriBri.

And me and my favorite Aut.

Nathan at bat.

My big girl with her Smile! shirt in the dugout.

Nathan’s team is killer this year. Gotta love that.