Today was HOT in STL, and we spent most of the day outside. Nathan had a t-ball game at 9:45am, here I am with Autumn. We look cool, but we were dripping with sweat when we left.

Later that afternoon we headed to my friend Katie’s house for her son’s 1st birthday party. It was outside, too, but they had tents set up and a bouncy/water slide combo for the kids. I can’t beeeelieve LiLi is 1 already!

This was Autumn’s first reaction to the water slide… can you tell she’s hyped up?


Elaine (Katie’s daughter)

Autumn liked to stay at the top of the slide, juuust so she could push brother down it.

Trena going down the slide with her daughter. It was fun to finally meet Trena, she is Katie’s friend and we have followed each others blogs and have been FB friends for quite some time.

Happy Birthday sign that Katie’s sister Andrea made.

Dessert Table

Liam’s cake

Liam with HIS cake.

Liam’s favorite gift.