Soccer started off quicker then ever this year, but mainly because Nathan played in 3 games for a tournament after just one night of practice! His team is amazing this year, they have not lost a game yet, and won all 3 tournament games which resulted in this awesome BONUS medal! And, what 1st grader doesn’t like a medal? I really need to take a picture of all of his medals, as I bought him a medal wall rack on his birthday (I have one, too, for my races). This is Nathan’s third year of soccer, and may be his last for awhile as I think he really wants to do cross country at his school next year. We’ll see.

Of course, someone else is really enjoying all of these soccer practices and games, too! Who, who could that be?!! (This photo was taken during the weekend that Hurricane Issac rolled through St. Louis, and we had 2 games amidst all the rain!)

Oh, this little girl! Autumn has made a little friend named Chloe, who she plays with during soccer practices and games… and, Chloe even signed up to take dancing with Autumn! Its funny because Autumn told me she has two friends named Chloe, because there is a Chloe in her class at school, too!

Some more action soccer shots.