Autumn’s teacher is kind enough to send out real time class photos every week. It is so neat to see what Autumn is up to at school through these photos, and its also a relief to see how smiley and happy she is in all of them! She is really enjoying Preschool 3!

So far, every week they are studying a new letter. The first week was ‘A’, and currently they are on ‘D’.
One way they explore the letter of the week, is by digging in the classroom sand box. They need to dig out objects that start with that letter.

Here are some of the ‘A’ objects that were found in the sandbox.

Autumn has a lot of friends in her class, here she is with her teacher’s daughter, who is also in the class!

Whenever the kids go from the school building to the church building, or to the playground, etc., they line up and hold on to a rope so they don’t get lost. I love Autumn’s big smile in this photo.

They have gym class on Fridays.

They also learn about God, here is Autumn showing us that God even made the moon!

Autumn LOVES the playground.

Another great smile, Autumn loves play doh time.

I’ll try to share some more photos in another few weeks of Autumn in her class.