Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! We have been enjoying gorgeous temps in St. Louis for the last few weeks (hope this doesn’t mean we’ll have another awful winter) and I’ve been packing the last few weeks of summer with outdoor activities with the kids! Does anyone else feel like August is the Sunday of summer? Well, even though it is my birthday month… I hate that August brings back school and HOMEWORK… and Autumn will be in full day school this year! :,,,,( Last week I took the kids to Grant’s Farm with my parents on a gorgeous day and we had a blast! I haven’t taken the kids to Grant’s Farm since 2010 and after this trip, we will definitely be going at least once a year!
See my previous Grant’s Farm posts:
Halloween at Grant’s Farm – 2010
Kids First Trip to Grant’s Farm – 2009
You take a tram to get into Grant’s Farm and the ride lasts for about 10 minutes… you get to sit and relax while seeing all different kinds of animals that roam freely around the tram.
Grant’s Cabin, built by hand by Grant himself
I bought a $5 pass for the kids, which included a carousel ride (me and my dad got to ride for free with them), a snow cone and 2 bottles of milk to feed the goats with. Not a bad deal! Here we are on the carousel with the kids. I like how the carousel at Grant’s Farm has little seat belts for the kids, whereas the zoo does not.
When we got off of the carousel, THESE cute little goats were waiting for us. 🙂
We did land up buying extra bottles, at only $1 each… the kids really enjoyed feeding the goats the milk. The goats made these cute little sucking noises as they drank the milk. Autumn felt like she was a momma, she just LOVED this part of the trip! She would have stayed and fed the goats milk ALL day if we had let her! She even noticed the goats at tags with numbers on them and asked me if those were price tags and if we could buy a goat and take it home. Oh, bless her little heart!!
If I lived on a farm, MAYBE I’d want one of these cute little goats. Just MAYBE.
Feeding the goats… oh, I am going to miss dressing my girl up in fun little clothes once school and UNIFORMS start.
Close up of Nathan feeding two goats.
We saw SO many animals… and I won’t bore you with all of the photos of them… but, Grant’s Farm is known for their elephants and the elephant show. We didn’t get a chance to see the elephant show, but this elephant in this big pool of water was a delight to see!
Look how high he has his trunk up here and he was just splashing around in that pool of water like a toddler would in a bath tub. It was really neat to see, unfortunately… the kids wanted to move on, because they wanted to spend their ticket on the snow cone!
Autumn wouldn’t smile for me with her snow cone (go figure), so here is Nathan with his treat.
Next we went over to the parakeets and for $1 we could buy a stick with food on it. We went inside a large cage and fed the parakeets! One even landed on my moms head! Here is Autumn with her ‘snow cone smile’ and her bird!
Close up of their hands with their birds… this was really, really neat! Brian told me that him and Nathan did this at Eckerts when we went pumpkin picking, I had no idea you could do this at other places.
Then the kids got to ride on a camel! First time for them and boy was I glad that they were both old enough to do it on their own! After a horse riding trip during a bad thunderstorm in Colorado, I am a little afraid to get on top of four legged animals!!
One good thing at Grant’s Farm is that you get 2 free complimentary beers (full size, too!) while visiting the farm. They even had my favorite AB beer, Stella Artois! Yum! I only had one beer, but my parents had two… they weren’t driving. Although, Autumn did spill my Dad’s second beer! Oops!
We found another cake! I have lost track of how many cakes we have found this summer!
When we left the farm, Nathan saw that they had Swan paddle boats… for $7 you could take it out for 30 minutes. I really, really didn’t feel up for paddle boating, especially in a Swan… lol. But, Grandma talked me into it and so I took Autumn out and Grandpa took Nathan out… somehow I managed to still get my 5 miles of running in later that night for my half marathon training. I was wiped… did I mention we did Six Flags the day before this?!
Me and Miss Autumn on our swan.
Are you ready for the meal plan for this week?
Menu Plan for Week of August 3, 2014:
Sunday – 54th Street Grill
Instead of chinese, we will probably get our usual salad and soup meal (with a Cherry Limeade for me!) at 54th Street Grill.
Monday – Gazpacho and Grilled Cheese, recipe HERE

I know… THIS again. Sorry, but… I’m a summer gazpacho lover!
Tuesday – Peach German Pancake, recipe HERE
If you follow my blog, you know that I am all about German pancakes! When I saw this recipe for Peach German Pancakes, I knew I had to give it a try! I am hoping to take the kids peach picking before it is over and this recipe would be just perfect with some fresh peaches!
Wednesday – Shrimp Tacos with Peach Salsa, recipe HERE
Lots of peach themed recipes this week, eh?

I pinned this a couple of weeks ago and I am going to try it… but, I know the recipe says to serve it cold… I am going to serve it warm, especially since I don’t think I’d be a fan of cold chicken. I have always wanted to make noodles with a peanut sauce, so I hope this recipe turns out well!
Friday – BBQ Porkchops and Mashed Potatoes, recipe HERE
Saturday – Dr. Pepper Slow Cooker Roast Beef, recipe HERE
The kids love meat and potatoes… since we will probably be really busy on Saturday, I thought putting a roast in the crock pot would be nice for a change… This makes just the MEAT, you don’t add any potatoes or carrots in with this… I haven’t decided on sides with this, maybe green beans and sweet potatoes?
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Monday Mommy Blog Hop