Starting in JANUARY… I will be setting ONE goal for each month instead of THREE. This will give me a little more time to work on just ONE goal and I hope to make progress on some of my larger goals!
Here are my December Goals!
1. Figure out Menu for Christmas Eve (my family is coming over)

We always have my side of the family over around Christmas and this year we are doing a Christmas Eve lunch. Brian usually prepares the main dish and I make the sides and dessert. We need to figure out the menu, which is always so much fun. 🙂
2. New TV Area with Shelves (from IKEA!)
This is mainly a goal for Brian (ha, ha!), but we have been wanting to update our TV area in the family room for AGES. We have an old rear projection TV that my brother gave us quite some time ago and although it has a big screen, it is outdated and the PS4, etc. won’t work well with it. Brian wants to hang a flat screen on the wall, so we decided we wanted to get some shelves for each side of the TV and a cabinet below (we’re also getting the hanging piece above the TV). We have never ordered anything big like this from IKEA, so I am super nervous! It is pretty big and will take up one whole wall in our family room. I am excited and I know it will look great and I’m going to have fun decorating the shelves. We will have it all set up before my family comes over on Christmas Eve, but I definitely won’t have the shelves decorated before then. Yay!!
3. Figure Out Spring Races
I need to start thinking about which Spring races I want to do. I am pretty sure I will be running in the Go! Half Marathon in April as my major race and I may see if there is a 5K I want to do to work on my speed. The photo above is from my last Go! Half Marathon, I have done quite a few of these as it’s a pretty popular half marathon in St. Louis. I really want to work on training at a pace to accomplish a 2:00 PR. My best half marathon time is 2:06, but it seems to get over the hump and to get a sub 2:00 PR is almost impossible for me. So, I’m going to try to train at that pace and see if I can (for once) accomplish it. I would be happy to PR at 2:00 JUST once, given I am only getting older! We will see… I’m hoping my fall marathon training will help me mentally to accomplish my goal. 🙂

Done! However, I didn’t get all of the lights up outside. My husband usually does the roof lights and I do the lights on the ground (and he sets them all up to work together), but I haven’t gotten to it. With there only being 2 weeks until Christmas, I may just skip it this year… I have in the past. It is going to be bitterly cold here in St. Louis this week and I just don’t know if it’s worth it to me to be outside messing with lights!
I have TWO home tour posts coming up to share my Christmas decor! The first one will be THIS week on Tuesday where I’ll be showing my new front porch decor. Then, on Dec 13th I will be doing the interior Christmas home tour! Yay!
2. Autumn’s Birthday Trip (Great Wolf Lodge)
We had a fabulous mini-vacation and birthday celebration for Autumn at the Great Wolf Lodge. It was probably my absolute favorite trip there. You can see the recap of our trip HERE.
3. Christmas Outfits, Photos & Order Cards
I have the Christmas Outfits and I plan to take a photo of the kids by the tree THIS Saturday. I am going to order my Christmas cards via Walgreens 1 Hour since I am a little behind! Oops! If you want to exchange Christmas cards, send me an email at carrie(at)curlycraftymom(dot)com! I would love to exchange some cards with some blogger friends that I know this year! The photo above shows the ADORABLE black glitter flats I got to go with Autumn’s dress. I am swooning over them!
Are you doing monthly goals? What are they? I’d love to hear about them in the comments!
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for a Trans Pro Mini Heat Press ($199 Value!):
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Contest Terms and Conditions: A winner will be randomly selected and contacted on 12/12 via the social channel that they won from. The winner will have 24 hours to claim their prize. At that time Pro World will mail the heat press to the winner so that they can start crafting! In order to win the heat press you must be 18 years or older and live within the United States. This giveaway is in no way sponsored by facebook, instagram or twitter.