1. Prayer Notebook.
(One of my IG friends (Lindsay) always shares photos of her mornings spent with God. She is awesome, that’s all I can say. 🙂 )
After hard times in January and February, I decided to get back into my prayer notebook once again. I’ve decided to write in it Monday-Friday and then on the weekends I take a break, since we have church on Sunday. I have been writing in it almost every day for a couple of months now and just started to slack off a little the week leading up to our vacation, because I was consumed with getting everything ready for that. I thought about bringing it on vacation, but decided against it and will pick back up again once we are back. I prefer writing in it when I am alone, so I can really focus and I’ll usually work on it first thing in the morning. I have thought about if I will continue this in 2016, because every year I like to set a religious goal for myself. I really enjoy it, so I think I will continue it… but, I really need to add some more bible reading into my life again as I miss the bible study groups I did in 2014 (online and at church) and I even want to do some independent bible reading. Another idea for next year is to read one religious book each month. I am currently following Mix and Match Mama’s blog and she writes about what books she reads each month and several of them are religious books. I am really interested in reading some of these books that she has suggested. I am going to work towards these new goals in 2016 and will do it in addition to my prayer journal.

I am home with the kids all day during the summer, so this one is an easy and hard goal. Easy, because I am with them ALL day… hard, because I still have to clean the house, keep up with my blog, cook all the meals, keep up with my work outs, etc. Which, I have to do all this while they interrupt me every 5 minutes for help finding something, to make them a snack that they can’t make on their own, snuggles or whatever else they may need. 🙂 I feel like when I am busy putting laundry away, even if they are in the room with me… which, my daughter is ALWAYS plastered to my side… is not quality time. I want to work on really focusing on them, really being present. I would say this is the hardest goal I’ve set for myself this year and its hard because life is just so BUSY… so many to-do’s always! We just put up our big pool in our backyard and the kids have been out there all week and they ask me when I’m going to get in and swim with them. I’ve told them no, that I will after out trip… I need to get in with them more and enjoy some time with them in the pool. 🙂 We usually go on a ‘field trip’ each week with my parents to somewhere around St. Louis and I really enjoy this day, because we are all having a fun day together. These ‘field trips’ are some of the best times of the summer! Anyway, I am sure this is a struggle with most moms these days… when I was working, I felt the same way and thought when I stopped working I wouldn’t… but, it seems I am even busier now! So, I am trying to take it day by day.

(Behind the scenes blog photo shoot! Gotta get that natural light!)
- Get 2-3 weeks ahead in blog posts, chart these out in an editorial calendar. This WON’T happen until the kids are back in school. They keep me WAY too busy right now. And, it won’t happen if they get sick as much as they did last winter. I don’t even want to go there again!
- Implement 2 crafts a week on the blog instead of one.
- Work on my blogging to-do list. This is a list of items to help grow my blog that require a little research and work on my part. The problem is that I am so busy working on content (blog posts) for the blog, that I don’t spend a lot of time working on strategy and growth. I need to stop spinning the hamster wheel, I need to start working on my dreams for this space.
- Go to a blog conference with some blog friends. This will be hard, because I have never traveled alone and I am my kids main provider.
- Do an Instagram Loop Giveaway – I have yet to do one of these and I am sort of interested in doing one
- Continue to work on blog relationships with other bloggers/companies
Now for this weeks Meal Plan:
Meal Plan Week 67
I’ve made this several times and it is so easy and tasty!
Brian and I do this every summer, I think this will be our fourth summer having a paddle boat picnic with the sun setting in the Grand Basin in Forest Park by the art museum. Even better yet, the put a bottle of Pinot Noir wine in our basket. 🙂
Nathan and Autumn are both having friends over for their first EVER sleepovers. Oh, I hope I get some sleep that night. 😉 We will be having pizza and some snacks such as fresh stove top Cub Scout popcorn!