Welcome back to our DIY/Craft Link Up Party! Thank you for stopping by every week!
Today’s Feature is Moroccan Style Painted Wood Pallet Planter by Pillar Box Blue.
Weekly Recap:
Last Sunday, Autumn and I went to the pool! She earned a free pass for the Summer Reading Program. Sadly, Nathan is in the teen program now and I couldn’t bring him! He went and saw a movie with Brian. This summer, I wanted to get the trees trimmed and a bush pulled out (along with its stump) before the kids went back to school. They did a lovely job! We only have two trees, but they really needed to be trimmed away from the house and just all over. So glad I checked this off my to do list finally!
On Wednesday, we invited one of Autumn’s friends to come over and to go to BounceU with us. We have a BounceU within walking distance of our house. The kids had a lot of fun!
Nathan won free tickets to the Cardinals game with the Summer Reading Program and we went last Thursday. We ate at Ballpark Village beforehand and it was delicious! Sadly, the Cardinals lost.
The DIY Mommy Blog | Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Google+ | Instagram | Bloglovin’
Curly Crafty Mom Blog | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | Twitter | Bloglovin’
Homestead 128 Blog | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | Twitter | Bloglovin’
The Southern Couture Blog | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | Twitter | Google+ | Bloglovin’
Joy In Our Home Blog | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | Twitter | Google + | Bloglovin
Mom Home Guide Blog | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | Twitter | Google+ | Bloglovin’

Check out what my fellow bloggers have been up to and don’t forget to check out my feature for this week as well.
Ready to share what has been motivating you this past week? Link up a recent post of yours that motivates you to create or just be awesome! Our goal is for this link up to focus on craft, DIY, & home posts so please try to remember that when linking up.
- Limit three links per week and remember to link directly to your post, not your blog.
- Do not link stores, giveaways, or other link parties.
- Be sure to hop around some of the other posts that have been linked up to share the love and get motivated by what others have been up to.
- **By adding your links, you are stating that you have the proper licensing/rights to the images in your blog posts.**
Each week, your hosts will choose a post to feature from the previous week. If you want a chance at being featured, you must follow all of the hosts in someway. By linking up, you agree to let each host share your photo and link back to your site, as well as receive a weekly e-mail letting you know when the party is live. We will never give your e-mail or info to anyone, nor will we spam you! The Creative Corner link party goes live Sunday 6pm PST and ends Thursday at 5pm PST. I’d love for you to grab The Creative Corner button in my sidebar to put on your own blog if you want to help spread the love!
Now hop over to all the other cohost’s blogs and see what caught their eye this week. You just might be featured there too! Don’t forget to grab this button if you’ve been featured.
I’ve created a monthly newsletter for this blog and I would LOVE for you to join my mailing list! I plan to add topics to the newsletter that aren’t on the blog, including a blog tip of the month, an oldie but goodie (I’ll share one of my old posts that was popular), a featured blogger of the month AND more! You can subscribe by entering your email address in below and hitting ‘Subscribe’!
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